The Project is dedicated to magnifying the ideas of J. Robert Oppenheimer. We achieve this by republishing his writings, sharing audio-visual content, and encouraging modern interpretations of his work. Our commitment includes supporting writers, philosophers, and scientists in delving into the profound impact of Oppenheimer’s legacy. Central to our mission are thought-provoking conferences and gatherings, which serve as crucial platforms to bring together individuals, organizations, and nations.
Jointly hosting a colloquium with the US Department of Energy OSELP Program in San Francisco. The event will gather nearly 200 scientists, government representatives, business people and venture capitalists.
We are currently working on a documentary with family members and will ensure JROs original words, books, and images are central, not just recreations by historians and Hollywood.
We are planning an Earth Day event in New Mexico next year on April 22nd, which is not only Earth Day, but also JRO’s birthday.
We are advocating for a new Manhattan Project for nuclear energy that focuses on international sharing, not just one country’s dominance in weapons. This effort demands support, connections, and cooperation.
“It is a profound and necessary truth that the deep things in science are not found because they are useful; they are found because it was possible to find them.”
–JRO, Canada, 1962